Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Mood...


After seat the exam for 3 subjects..i really no hope to pass the exam just finish the maths paper 2...the question looks like easy...but..when u do totally hard man!...maybe i dint do enough exercises for that's why i feel hard...i really wanna give up when i just done on the half way...i think it would be the worst exam ever for me....

I feel so sorry to my parents...they so hard to earn money to let me futher my study..but i still make them disappoint..haizz...

Plus..some other thing also makes me feel moody...i think this is the main thing that makes me feel moody...*sigh*..its hard to describe how i feel right now...i just feel like... hard to breath but i actually can breath...i feel like sad but i unable to cry...i hardly to concentrate to do something... my mind will easily get stuck..and then i cant stop to think about it.......haizz.....

I think it was my greediness..........haizz...i have to stop this..and..*sigh*...if i still continue..this will hurt someone more...but....i dunno i able to stop this or not..or maybe just let him to treat me i just only the one to feel the pain...haizz.....i should stop to write about these...who knows maybe this will makes thing worst...*sigh*....Many things can happened in 1 is unpredictable...when the moment u still can be turn to sad in the next second...

Maybe i just think too much..or maybe i really think too much..or...i dint think too much but the thing really happened...haizz...hope the exam can finish i can calm down myself during the holiday...haizz..maybe the thing is no serious as what i though...and this not the right time to think that much... :(

*i just want to release my feeling because here is the only place to let me do this...and dun bother what i had write..just i think too much * = =

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